The 4 Seasons of Life - What are they and what do they mean?

2min read


Have you ever paused to observe the changing seasons?

I don’t know about you but I do love the transition from one season to the next, and I love a little bit of each one in their own special way.

I love the heat and warmth of Summer, the ability to wear sandals and light clothing.

The way the crispness of Autumn creeps in and the leaves start to fall from the trees, crunching beneath my feet.

The bitterness of Winter and the invitation to wear big warm, comfy clothes and chunky boots.

The early blooms of Spring alongside signs of longer days and brighter mornings.

These are just a few of the delights I take from each season as they roll through each year.

Have you ever realised that as humans we too go through seasons?

As we journey through life we also move through changes - lightness, darkness, warmth, cold, there are many similarities.

Although a lot of the time we can align our internal seasons to those of nature, we can also find ourselves in these symbolic phases at any time of the year when it comes to our personal lives.

What are the seasons of life? What does each season mean? I’ve given a brief description below to help you understand how they may apply to your life.


You might start to notice that things are changing or that they may need to change. You may feel the urge to start preparing yourself for Winter hibernation - a time to retreat, reflect and explore the potential change


This is a time for going inwards, a time to reflect and to be quiet. It may be time to close old doors so new ones can be opened. It’s a great time for identifying what you need and creating a new vision for the future.


It’s now time to bring the newness into the light, to start moving forward and through the opening doors. It may be time to start blossoming into a new chapter of your life.


With all the newness and change it's important to allow it to ripen in its own time. Summer is the time to take a step back, to celebrate and acknowledge your progress and how far you’ve come. It’s time to welcome in play, to flourish and thrive in this new chapter, and enjoy it.

Remember, life is a journey and we all experience change. Why not start looking at change as a way to improve, enhance and invite newness into your life - you deserve it.

Taking the above into account, as you move through life, make sure you pause, not only to observe nature’s seasons but also your own.

What season are you in right now? Is change happening or are you celebrating the changes that have already occurred?

Let me know in the comments section below.





I’m Carly, I help people who feel lost, stuck or overwhelmed in life to find their true self. Guiding and supporting them to find clarity and direction whilst creating a life they truly love - becoming the author of their life!