10 Journal Prompts for Autumn

2min read


I sometimes think Autumn is my favourite season - the colours, the cosiness, the crispness of the leaves underfoot. But if you’ve read this blog post on the 4 seasons of life - you’ll know that each season holds a place in my heart for its own reason.

But there is something about the pumpkins, the increase in hot chocolate consumption, cosy jumpers and boots, darker nights - the list goes on. There is something about these things that makes me feel a certain way - I’m not sure I can even put this feeling into words, but I know it’s there. Warm, fuzzy, nostalgic, the air feels cooler and crisper, I don’t know there’s just something about it.

As I mentioned above I love each season for its own reason, but I also love the changing seasons, it always gives me an opportunity to pause and reflect on how the last season went and how I’d like the next one to go.

Do you reflect on how things are going throughout the year?

Reflection isn’t just something we should do at the end of each year when setting our New Year’s intentions or resolutions, there’s a place for it at so many other points in the year.

Keeping this one really short and sweet I’ve popped 7 journal prompts for Autumn (Fall if you’re across the pond) below for you to ponder over and get stuck into.

1. How does Autumn make me feel?

2. What changes do I want to make this month?

3. What do I want more of in my life?

4. What do I want less of in my life?

5. Describe a perfect Autumn day - now make plans to make it happen.

6. What do I want to achieve before Winter?

7. What inspires me about the changing seasons?

Image prompts

I also want to include some image journal prompts for you to try too. This is something I do in my workshops and Mindful Journaling classes that I run locally.

Below are three images, you can pick one or journal on all of them. But all you need to do is spend some time looking at the image, taking it in and then writing about what it says to you, how it makes you feel and generally what comes up for you when you look at this image.

Have fun!





I’m Carly, I help people who feel lost, stuck or overwhelmed in life to find their true self. Guiding and supporting them to find clarity and direction whilst creating a life they truly love - becoming the author of their life!