20 Journal Prompts for the End of the Year and the Festive Season

2min read

The end of the year provides us with a great opportunity to take stock, reflect and review on the year that’s passed and I’ll admit - it’s something I quite like to do.

I have my official ‘Year in Review’ session on NYE with my partner - we get out A3 pieces of card and write about how our year went.

You can see these below from the last 2years.

It’s a lovely opportunity to check in with your intentions that you may have set at the start of the year or even your goals if that’s something you set each year. See how they’ve gone, and reflect on the progress you may have made.

I want to add - that this doesn’t mean you can beat yourself up if you haven’t achieved what you set out to achieve because ultimately, life happens and sometimes things don’t go the way we may have wanted them to.

It’s also a great exercise to highlight some of your favourite memories from the year.

I also find the festive season can help us to slow things down a little, find time to get cosy and think about what we want to get done before the year is out.

So below I’ve compiled some prompts for the festive season as well as some reflection prompts that you can use as we get closer to the end of the year.

festive prompts

1. What do you want to make time for during the festive season?

2. What do you want to let go of during this time?

3. How do you want to ensure you respect your boundaries?

4. How does the festive season make you feel?

5. How can you find more joy during this time?

6. What do you want to achieve before the end of the year?

7. How can you take care of yourself during the festive season?

8. Who do you want to make time for at this time of year?

9. Do you need to reframe anything about this time of year?

10. Do you enjoy Christmas?

Reflection prompts

1. How do I feel about 2022?

2. What fears have I conquered this year?

3. What’s been my biggest achievement in 2022?

4. What lessons have I learnt this year?

5. Free write about some of your most memorable experiences over the past year

6. Who have I become this year?

7. What do you want to leave in 2022 and head into 2023 free from?

8. Describe the year 2022, how was it for you?

9. What made your heart and soul happy this year?

10. If you had to reflect and choose one word for the year 2022 what would it be and why?

Please do share in the comments if you’ve enjoyed this post, and don’t forget you can Journal with Me over on my YouTube channel





I’m Carly, I help people who feel lost, stuck or overwhelmed in life to find their true self. Guiding and supporting them to find clarity and direction whilst creating a life they truly love - becoming the author of their life!